Adrian Einevik
jag kände inte dig men jag vet vem du var,
sånt här ska inte hända.
Usch vad är det som har hänt?
han begick självmord..
Vila i frid Adrian.
this translator thing is making my words come out wrong.. but anyway i cant help but feel a little guilty about what happened, but u should know he was going to do it a long time ago but i talked him out of it, i read the messages too late, i dont care if u dont believe me and im sorry for not giving my name, he asked me to come live with him but i couldnt. dont think that adrian was just some little secret gay because he wasnt, and the girl that dumped him a week before he killed himself is a right cow... i went a bit crazy when i found out what he'd done, again im sorry that i read the messages too late. i loved him x
um why did u delete my post? im being serious, am i talking about the same adrian? adrian paul einevik?
has anyone even read this yet...
Vem fan är han som skriver ovanför?
Vem fan är han som skriver ovanför?
Vem fan är han ovanför?
vem är det som skrivit ovanför?....